Nov 7, 2010

Holy freakin' smokes!

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to not be able to do ANYTHING? Well let me tell's NOT fun.  All day long I was calling people and trying to get something going and without fail, nothing would happen. Luckily Melanie came by and saved the day! We ended up starting a music video! Taylor Swift's song better than revenge was our lucky winner of the day and it ended up being TOTALLY AWESOME. We were about to go to a party at this girl's house and when we got there, there was almost nobody there.  They said that the cops had shown up about 15 minutes before that and told them to stop because they were being too loud and disturbing people. I have to say that I am glad I wasn't there but this is probably what gives college kids such a  bad name. We were just a bunch of LDS kids dancing and having fun :).  Oh well. I guess if I had had fun I would have defeated "someone's" purpose for me for the day. It was just meant to be I suppose. I am just excited for tomorrow. Hopefully I can have some interaction from everyone that had stuff to do today.  I feel like such a bum!!!! It's driving me absolutely insane! Anyways....I was still able to sleep in and finish watching a hilarious movie. I guess there can be a plus side!

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