Sep 28, 2010

Done for the day...almost

It's really nice not having class until 12:45 on Tuesdays...except for the fact that I sleep in and then have a hard time getting anything done.  This morning I woke up at about 9:30 to a facebook text saying that some kid had sent me a message.  It turned into a really creepy conversation and I ended up blocking him within about 20 minutes.  I have never seen this kid before but he messaged me and told me I was cute so I said thanks and sent like two other messages back and forth and then it turned into are you single and we should get together. I wanted to cry it was so scary! It's done now.  haha After all of that I decided to make my pumpkin chocolate chip bread! Then it hit me that we didn't have any bread pans so I made muffins instead. Our whole house smells like fall now, all cinnamony and pumpkiny! Mmmmmm :) I must  get it from my mother. Me and Monet went to class and then walked home. It's funny how easily you adjust to new weather.  It is about 85 degrees and we almost passed out from heat exhaustion walking home. The only thing I can think of is because the sun is so much closer, it makes it feel a TON hotter then it actually is.

This weekend I am coming down to the valley for conference. I just couldn't miss out on my family tradition of  a big breakfast and cinnamon rolls afterwards. :) I also really wanted my conference notebook that I have been using since I was about 12.  It should be fun...I'm praying for rain! That would be SOOOO nice.

All that's left to do for the day is to do some homework and institute tonight.  It's getting really hard to leave home again once we get back.  Like tonight going to institute just seems like a long ways out of our way but I'm still excited to go. I love it.

PS last night we made hamburgers and homemade french fries. It was really yummy  but our apartment smelled like shrimp the whole rest of the night. Weird I know. We can DEFINITELY still cook without guys here...that is all I have to say!


  1. Pray hard!! Not sure there is any rain in the forecast. SOOOO glad you are coming home, we always miss you. I love to see you girls experimenting and learning new things, makes me proud!! (especially the pumpkin part, there's a pumpkin braid in the oven as I speak!)

  2. Hey I made 2 pumpkin braids today for work. What are the odds. Chelsey, you sound just like your mom with the smell of fall. How funny.

    So glad you saw the creepiness in that conversation and took care of business. Proud of you girl.

    Looking forward to seeing you this weekend.
    Hugs Gram
