Aug 28, 2011
My Cabin Weekend
AH!!! This weekend was so much fun!! We left for the cabin at about 6:30 and drove up for about an hour and a half to the Sander's cabin in Pine. We got there and were all so starving that we just sat and ate food for a really long time! (Hayley's mom made us our food for the two days :) So nice of her!) We started playing scum and I decided that it's really not about luck or strategy very much because I went from 5th to scum to third to last to actual third! That had nothing to do with me! It's all luck in the cards! It was really really fun though! We all sat down and jammed on guitars for a while and we got people singing, then we played catch phrase. Let's just say, I love my friends haha.
We woke up the next morning and ate blueberry pancakes and bacon :))). Delicious! We just kinda hung out then decided it was time to go to the natural bridge. It was SO HOT but once we got down by the actual bridge, it was beautiful! We hiked around for a little over an hour and headed out! We had two people get yelled at for going places they weren't supposed to...dang kids! We got out and we were all so sweaty it was gross. Even though it was kinda cool, it was super humid and it just sank into our clothes. By the time we got home, all we wanted to do was to change our clothes and put on more deodorant! So we did. We ate turkey sandwiches for lunch and started just hanging out. We were all so tired that the rest of the day wasn't exactly exciting but it was still really fun. We had a really awesome group that went and none of us really wanted to leave. As we were packing up the cars, the one and only injury of the trip My good ol' pal Wesley smashed my fingers while he was closing the trunk to the car! They are not all bruised and covered in little red marks (They are like blood blisters but teeny tiny). It didn't really hurt that bad, but now they are pretty sore and yesterday they were kinda swollen. It's all good but I tend to keep hitting them on things and making them hurt again! AHH!! :)
We had a movie night when we got home, Hayley, April and I and we ate lots of fruits and vegetables!! (We were all so sick of junk food that all we wanted to do was to eat healthy stuff!)
The MOST exciting part of the weekend though, actually happened this morning! The new Kid History is finally here!! And so funny! Enjoy :))
Aug 26, 2011
I'm Starting a Petition...
If I have to spend one more day sweating my brains out, I think I'm going to die. (Would you die if you brains had been sweated out?). Either way...ICKY!!! I honestly don't understand why the sun has to be so hot! It's so far should take a chill pill... (hehe). I can't even get from my garage door to the car without already being soaked. This is a problem. Therefore, I am starting a petition to make the sun be less hot, or even just to skip the summer months completely. We can just go strait to fall :). If you would like to sign leave your names here......
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I figure it won't take very many people, just lots and lots and lots and lots and LOTS of prayers! Let's get on it!
Last night was absolutely fantastic. April, Wesley, Miranda, Jaci, Brad and I went to Applebee's for karaoke night. I don't know why it is, but I get a lot of enjoyment out of drunk people singing karaoke. The best part is, we are all so crazy anyways that I'm sure people are saying, "I want what they've got!" They will be quite disappointed when all they get put in front of them is a glass of ice cold water! :) I think everyone should go at one point...super fun!
This weekend is going to be sooo much fun! Me and a bunch of friends from Valencia are going to stay in my friend's cabin! We get to get out of the heat warning isn't that great?! We are going to hike and spend time together before everyone leaves and it's going to be a blast! I honestly can't just needs to be 6:00 already!!!!!!
The other exciting thing about this weekend is that tomorrow....A NEW KID HISTORY COMES OUT!! I think we are going to have a little premier party for it. Yeah...we're legit. For those of you who don't know what this is...
These make me so happy!!! :) It's FRIDAY ERRY-BODY!
_______________________ ________________________ __________________________.
I figure it won't take very many people, just lots and lots and lots and lots and LOTS of prayers! Let's get on it!
Last night was absolutely fantastic. April, Wesley, Miranda, Jaci, Brad and I went to Applebee's for karaoke night. I don't know why it is, but I get a lot of enjoyment out of drunk people singing karaoke. The best part is, we are all so crazy anyways that I'm sure people are saying, "I want what they've got!" They will be quite disappointed when all they get put in front of them is a glass of ice cold water! :) I think everyone should go at one point...super fun!
This weekend is going to be sooo much fun! Me and a bunch of friends from Valencia are going to stay in my friend's cabin! We get to get out of the heat warning isn't that great?! We are going to hike and spend time together before everyone leaves and it's going to be a blast! I honestly can't just needs to be 6:00 already!!!!!!
The other exciting thing about this weekend is that tomorrow....A NEW KID HISTORY COMES OUT!! I think we are going to have a little premier party for it. Yeah...we're legit. For those of you who don't know what this is...
These make me so happy!!! :) It's FRIDAY ERRY-BODY!
Aug 25, 2011
A Blessing From Above
The past couple of days have been absolutely amazing!! I found out a couple of days ago that I actually qualified for a grant! I get about $3000 a semester :). This is my reasoning behind why this happened.
A) Heavenly Father was really proud of the way I handled the whole situation and decided I was ready to have a little break! He is basically giving me a second chance!
B) It took ME putting in the effort to figure some things out and make some decisions before I actually got the blessing! Once I figured out where I was living, started applying for jobs, got all set up with school, and had a good attitude about it all, this huge blessing came into my life!
I am going to try really really hard to budget and save so that I can hopefully get a car!! And maybe even go back up in the spring. Honestly, I have no idea what is going to happen in the next few months, but I feel like I am ready and prepared for whatever will come!
The other awesome things that have happened recently are stake conference, temple trips, babysitting, hanging out with my friends that are leaving me, and much much more! I have been so sleepy though because I haven't been sleeping all too well :(. I don't really know what's going on, but hopefully next week will start a completely new me!! School, work ( I have a job interview this weekend for a nanny of three cute little kids!), and institute (I found someone to take classes with me!). This is going to be a good semester, I can feel it.
A) Heavenly Father was really proud of the way I handled the whole situation and decided I was ready to have a little break! He is basically giving me a second chance!
B) It took ME putting in the effort to figure some things out and make some decisions before I actually got the blessing! Once I figured out where I was living, started applying for jobs, got all set up with school, and had a good attitude about it all, this huge blessing came into my life!
I am going to try really really hard to budget and save so that I can hopefully get a car!! And maybe even go back up in the spring. Honestly, I have no idea what is going to happen in the next few months, but I feel like I am ready and prepared for whatever will come!
The other awesome things that have happened recently are stake conference, temple trips, babysitting, hanging out with my friends that are leaving me, and much much more! I have been so sleepy though because I haven't been sleeping all too well :(. I don't really know what's going on, but hopefully next week will start a completely new me!! School, work ( I have a job interview this weekend for a nanny of three cute little kids!), and institute (I found someone to take classes with me!). This is going to be a good semester, I can feel it.
Aug 18, 2011
The show must go on
The past few days have been...uneventful to say the least. I have been working a lot but in all truthfulness, it takes up like 1/10 of my day. The rest of it is filled with a lot of sitting around. I want to do things, but I don't really have anything to do yet. I spent one whole day writing missionary letters, another day I spent organizing my stuff I brought home, and today I spent mostly getting things in order for the next few months. I have filled out some applications, sent in my ticket thing :(, and again, done a whole lot of nothing. I can't wait for my classes to actually start and for me to actually find a job! It will get me out of the house and I will be able to feel productive again. It's been a LOOOOOONG time since I have felt productive.
I really don't have much to say I just feel like it's time for me to move and get stuff done. It reminds me of the song that just got remade.
Alright already, the show goes on
All night till the morning the dream goes on
Life isn't over, it's good to have opposition in all things!
I really don't have much to say I just feel like it's time for me to move and get stuff done. It reminds me of the song that just got remade.
Alright already, the show goes on
All night till the morning the dream goes on
Life isn't over, it's good to have opposition in all things!
Aug 13, 2011
The Only Reason I Brought You Along
This weekend was really fun. Even though it was kinda low energy and not that much happened, it was just really nice to be so far away for a day. We got up to flag yesterday at like 2 and went to lunch with Ryan and Amanda. It was so nice to eat Freddy's again! Delicious... :) We just hung out for the rest of the day, not much but sitting on the couch, chatting, and just enjoying the quiet. We had a friend of mine over to watch psych and then we skyped my dear friend WESLEY!!! He is back from Canada and it was sooooo exciting to talk to him! I seriously feel like he has been gone for ages but it's only been a month or so! Weird. Anyways, so we stayed up WAY too late doing that and we had to be up by 9 this morning for our pancake party we were throwing. In reality, only 4 people came and only two at a time. Super lame...last time I threw a pancake party, I had almost 20 people there. What happened?! Anyways, we had my friend Andrew pack up the car for us and we set off on our ride back! It was so funny trying to buy a ratchet for the truck bed without knowing anything about the truck! I'm sure that the guy at walmart thought I was a total idiot! We got it all figured out and we headed home. The ride home was the best part.
1. Crazy old guy walking towards our car on our way out of walmart
2. Gas light comes on in the middle of nowhere and there are no gas stations! (Last time I trust mom!!)
3. Random little gas station pops up on the side of the road! yay :) Heavently Father has got our back
4. That gas station doesn't sell diesel! What kind of gas station doesn't sell diesel?
5. We find another gas station about a mile away.
6. I am the biggest moron ever and couldn't figure out how to work the gas!
7. 101E was closed, so we drove around through Scottsdale trying to get back on track. What the heck.
8. It only took us 4 hours to get home!!!!!!! (It is usually a 2.5 hour drive)
The funniest part of the trip was the comments that Miranda would make every now and again about the only reasons I brought her. On the way up, she figured out that I only brought her so I could drive in the HOV lane. This morning she figured out that the only reason I brought her was to clean my kitchen and to load up the truck while I talk on the phone. Stopped at the gas station I hear, "this is just one other reason why you brought me right???" hahaha I love Miranda so so much and I am so grateful that I have a friend like her to do things like this with! We also took pictures as college super heroes, those will come later. It was a really good weekend and I can't wait to go to two farewells tomorrow! It should be a good day! Life is good.
1. Crazy old guy walking towards our car on our way out of walmart
2. Gas light comes on in the middle of nowhere and there are no gas stations! (Last time I trust mom!!)
3. Random little gas station pops up on the side of the road! yay :) Heavently Father has got our back
4. That gas station doesn't sell diesel! What kind of gas station doesn't sell diesel?
5. We find another gas station about a mile away.
6. I am the biggest moron ever and couldn't figure out how to work the gas!
7. 101E was closed, so we drove around through Scottsdale trying to get back on track. What the heck.
8. It only took us 4 hours to get home!!!!!!! (It is usually a 2.5 hour drive)
The funniest part of the trip was the comments that Miranda would make every now and again about the only reasons I brought her. On the way up, she figured out that I only brought her so I could drive in the HOV lane. This morning she figured out that the only reason I brought her was to clean my kitchen and to load up the truck while I talk on the phone. Stopped at the gas station I hear, "this is just one other reason why you brought me right???" hahaha I love Miranda so so much and I am so grateful that I have a friend like her to do things like this with! We also took pictures as college super heroes, those will come later. It was a really good weekend and I can't wait to go to two farewells tomorrow! It should be a good day! Life is good.
Aug 11, 2011
You know that friend...
So today was a day of days. There are goods and bads to what happened today but as my mom says, I have made a lot of mental progress. I got a call from the financial aid lady this morning and she told me that I am not eligible for anything but loans for this semester. This is what I was afraid of...I can't go back up to school. As soon as I got off the phone, I got online and switched to all online classes which should be a challenge for me. I had my little pity party and cried it out for a while ( a very long while ) and sat talking to mom.
You know that friend that you have, that no matter how upset, angry, or frustrated you are, all they want you to do is see the bright side of things? Mom was that friend today. I know she's right but I just didn't want to hear it! I wanted to be sad and angry but then, in trying to prove that she wasn't just showing me the happy she says, "But I gave you till Monday!!". I'm just glad the morning is over. Once I was done crying, I got on the phone with a couple of people, and started looking for jobs. I have one place I am going to put in my resume and another I am applying to be a nanny online. This was good for me to start making progress. I have been living in limbo land of what's going on and where am I going and it was really time to move on.
I went to the Merchants and listened to them practice for their show tomorrow! They are opening for Little Big Town! I am so blessed to know that family, they have been going through trials and I know that by watching them, I can grow too. It takes me back to how I felt when Joy died; there was just nothing I could do and it was hard to watch...well this time I COULD do something...I took dear McKenzie chocolate! She's the best!
I am leaving for flagstaff first thing in the morning and I am going to go get my stuff from my apartment. That was another plus for the day. I can finally settle in one place and get ready to start the semester. I am so excited to go back for a couple of days and I am taking my dear Miranda with me!!! It should be an awesome weekend! Adding to the good ending to this day, I am going to have my own little "office space" to work, Wesley gets home tomorrow, I got a little tiny email from Jarek telling me he was going to send my letter on Monday, and I have a double date on Monday with my friend Parker and McKenzie!! Even though it was a hard day, I'm glad it's over and I'm ready to head to FLAGSTAFF!!!
Aug 10, 2011
Never another potty break

Yesterday I brought home my little puppy Juliet :). She is a six week old Australian shepherd, Queensland heeler mix. She is pretty much the cutest thing I have ever seen in my entire life! She came home yesterday afternoon and spent the night hanging out with the kids and exploring a little bit. Once bed time came along, I was set up to sleep in the living room and Jules was in the crate right next to the couch. The only problem is, little puppies can't control their bladders. This being said... there were a LOT of breaks to get up and go potty in the night. Once at about 9, 10, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, get the drill. It was like having a new baby in the house, but this baby just whined nonstop. The kids started school today too so I had to keep her quiet all night so she didn't wake anybody up! Let's just say, it was an experience I do not look back on with fondness. The other thing about puppies is they have SO MUCH ENERGY. Even if she didn't need to go potty, she was always screaming to get out of her kennel because she just wanted to walk around and play! It was a bit ridiculous. I love her I do, but when it came down to tonight...I couldn't do it again. I was going to go out with a couple of friends but because Jules wouldn't be quiet, I couldn't go. That was when mom had the brilliant idea to take her back to her mom for a couple more weeks. Hopefully by doing this, she will be able to control her potty times a little better and will be a little bit less of a crazy puppy! I made the quick little drive to the Hardt's and dropped her off. While I am sad that she's not here with me right now...I know that when I wake up in the morning fully rested and ready for the day, I will be glad I did. Now I can watch the video on puppy training and get ready for her return!
The financial aid lady called me today and set up a phone appointment to call me tomorrow morning at 8am. She said I should know how much financial aid I am getting by FRIDAY!!!! This is such a relieving feeling because I am so sick of being stressed out! I need time where I don't have to worry about anything but hanging out with friends and sleeping! Goodness. I also was very productive today because I got NINE missionary letters written, enveloped, and ready to send! All I need now is stamps and a couple pictures! Dude. I am so good! While writing these letters was somewhat of a grueling process, I can't wait to start getting the replies in the mail! It always makes it worth it! Now I am going to slip into the abyss of sleep I missed out on last night!
Aug 8, 2011
Sing it for the world
I am having pretty much one of those terrible days that you see in movies where it seems like the entire universe is working against you. I know it's not true and I have tried to stay logical through it all but in all reality, it sucked. The morning starts off with the fax not being able to go through to my cable company. They shut off the cable in my apartment in flagstaff because "I didn't pay." when I actually did, so I have to send them my bank statement. Ugh. So that takes up half of the morning I had set aside to work. The other half of my morning was spent on the phone being transfered from this person to that person, and from this office to that office. I am just really sick of talking on the phone and I want to talk to people face to face!!!!!!!! After this whole morning, there was still no work done (not what I need right now) as well as more questions than I started with.
The one productive part of my morning was talking to my advisor. She was the ONLY, and just because I am so serious about this...OOOONNNLLLLYYY person that could answer some of my questions. The only problem is, what I heard was not exactly what you could call...good news. I am not able to take most of the classes I need to at the extended campus so my options are
a) Stay in flag
b) Take community college courses and lose my scholarship
c) Take ALL online courses from home, or
d) Switch schools.
I am not happy about any of these but option a. The only problem is, if option a ends up not being able to happen, I only have bad choices left! GRRRR. Moving on. After all of this is happening, I am a wreck because I am stressed out beyond belief and my mom leaves me behind when she leaves for callbacks! I know it's not really a big deal but goodness! At least tell me you are leaving or SOMETHING! Callbacks went well and I am excited for the cast :). While we are there though, mom gets a phone call saying, "We broke Chelsey's frame." My beautiful frame that we worked so hard on to get it perfect, is now broken. It will never look the same. It's dead. Mom says she will think of something but I'm not so sure. All of this really just makes me want to drop down in my bed, grab Anna (who isn't even here :( ), and just cry till there is no water left in me! This is not what is going to happen though, I am going to be strong and I am going to figure this out. I have friends and family that love me, I have things to keep me busy, and I am going to be the person somebody else would want! That's what I'm going to do.
So I've got to believe, this is gonna be my year,
Stand up tall, look alive, you never know.
So I've got to believe, this is gonna be my year,
Stand up tall, look alive, be on standby.
The reason I named this blog post "sing it to the world" is because when I get in moods like this where literally nothing can explain the way I'm feeling, I just blare my music and I sing.I belt it at the top of my lungs. I can't explain why it helps so much, but it's the only way I can actually get my feelings out. Being sick has made it difficult but I know I will be able to sing again soon. I will, and I when I do, I will sing it to the world!
The one productive part of my morning was talking to my advisor. She was the ONLY, and just because I am so serious about this...OOOONNNLLLLYYY person that could answer some of my questions. The only problem is, what I heard was not exactly what you could call...good news. I am not able to take most of the classes I need to at the extended campus so my options are
a) Stay in flag
b) Take community college courses and lose my scholarship
c) Take ALL online courses from home, or
d) Switch schools.
I am not happy about any of these but option a. The only problem is, if option a ends up not being able to happen, I only have bad choices left! GRRRR. Moving on. After all of this is happening, I am a wreck because I am stressed out beyond belief and my mom leaves me behind when she leaves for callbacks! I know it's not really a big deal but goodness! At least tell me you are leaving or SOMETHING! Callbacks went well and I am excited for the cast :). While we are there though, mom gets a phone call saying, "We broke Chelsey's frame." My beautiful frame that we worked so hard on to get it perfect, is now broken. It will never look the same. It's dead. Mom says she will think of something but I'm not so sure. All of this really just makes me want to drop down in my bed, grab Anna (who isn't even here :( ), and just cry till there is no water left in me! This is not what is going to happen though, I am going to be strong and I am going to figure this out. I have friends and family that love me, I have things to keep me busy, and I am going to be the person somebody else would want! That's what I'm going to do.
So I've got to believe, this is gonna be my year,
Stand up tall, look alive, you never know.
So I've got to believe, this is gonna be my year,
Stand up tall, look alive, be on standby.
The reason I named this blog post "sing it to the world" is because when I get in moods like this where literally nothing can explain the way I'm feeling, I just blare my music and I sing.I belt it at the top of my lungs. I can't explain why it helps so much, but it's the only way I can actually get my feelings out. Being sick has made it difficult but I know I will be able to sing again soon. I will, and I when I do, I will sing it to the world!
Aug 1, 2011
Summaaaaa Timmmme :)
It has been a CrAzY Summer! At first there was a lot of stuff going on but it has started to relax a little bit more. The big kids are back in school and the little kids have learned how to handle most of their eneregy. If it wasn't so darn HOT!!!! Anyways. I have a few big things I thought should be blogged about.
1. My awesome roommate summer is ENGAGED! Soon to be Mrs. Summer Walsh :)
2. I love the skies in the valley! I cannot explain to you how many times I have looked up and said...WOW!
3. I love my friends. I have had so much fun with my besties this summer! McKenzie, Miranda, Jessica, Mikaela, and MUCH MUCH MORE!!! Me and The girls did a photo shoot the other day and I'm gonna put some of those pics on here :) It was so hot though that it almost wasn't even fun! It was just like TAKE THEM AND GET OUT OF HERE!!! Also, I have had many skype dates with my lovely baby baker (long story) which have been absolutely amazing :).
4. I am getting a puppy! (Pictures also to come!) Soooo cute just waiting for them to be big enough :))
5. I miss Wesley and Preston! They are in Alaska right now and they will be home on the 12th of this month! HURRY!!!
6. I absolutely adore the rain. I just wish it was cooler so the rain was a little more fun.
7. I think that financial aid people should be more responsive and answer calls they get! If your answering machine says you will call me back...CALL ME BACK!
8. I love music. I love singing. I love dancing. I love belting songs at the top of my lungs. I like all kinds of music! I love broadway! It has been so fun this summer being with my friends and it turning into a jam session every time! I don't know how it happens, it just does!
9. I love old movies. I have been obsessed with them lately. You don't have to worry about bad stuff in them because that was not impressive back in the olden days! They dressed modestly, they talked properly, and their problems seem so much different than ours. It is fun for me to put myself in that other world for a couple of hours. I always feel smarter after watching them. Any good ones?? Let me know.
10. I CANNOT EXPLAIN HOW MUCH I LOVE GETTING EMAILS!!!!!!!!! The email I got today was so absolutely amazing. It was long and meaningful and I have re-read it over and over again! Happy day!!!!
10.5. I don't really want to put another one because I love even numbers, but I love preschool. I sat with Katy today (It was her first day :) ) and I just really decided that I want to open my own right now. Who cares about school??? ( hope you caught the sarcasm there!) I love school too. I love being in school.
1. My awesome roommate summer is ENGAGED! Soon to be Mrs. Summer Walsh :)
2. I love the skies in the valley! I cannot explain to you how many times I have looked up and said...WOW!
3. I love my friends. I have had so much fun with my besties this summer! McKenzie, Miranda, Jessica, Mikaela, and MUCH MUCH MORE!!! Me and The girls did a photo shoot the other day and I'm gonna put some of those pics on here :) It was so hot though that it almost wasn't even fun! It was just like TAKE THEM AND GET OUT OF HERE!!! Also, I have had many skype dates with my lovely baby baker (long story) which have been absolutely amazing :).
4. I am getting a puppy! (Pictures also to come!) Soooo cute just waiting for them to be big enough :))
5. I miss Wesley and Preston! They are in Alaska right now and they will be home on the 12th of this month! HURRY!!!
6. I absolutely adore the rain. I just wish it was cooler so the rain was a little more fun.
7. I think that financial aid people should be more responsive and answer calls they get! If your answering machine says you will call me back...CALL ME BACK!
8. I love music. I love singing. I love dancing. I love belting songs at the top of my lungs. I like all kinds of music! I love broadway! It has been so fun this summer being with my friends and it turning into a jam session every time! I don't know how it happens, it just does!
9. I love old movies. I have been obsessed with them lately. You don't have to worry about bad stuff in them because that was not impressive back in the olden days! They dressed modestly, they talked properly, and their problems seem so much different than ours. It is fun for me to put myself in that other world for a couple of hours. I always feel smarter after watching them. Any good ones?? Let me know.
10. I CANNOT EXPLAIN HOW MUCH I LOVE GETTING EMAILS!!!!!!!!! The email I got today was so absolutely amazing. It was long and meaningful and I have re-read it over and over again! Happy day!!!!
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I don't know why but I REALLY like this picture. |
10.5. I don't really want to put another one because I love even numbers, but I love preschool. I sat with Katy today (It was her first day :) ) and I just really decided that I want to open my own right now. Who cares about school??? ( hope you caught the sarcasm there!) I love school too. I love being in school.
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These are the two I am choosing between! I am thinking more the right one :) Little girl named Rorie! |
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