Aug 26, 2011

I'm Starting a Petition...

If I have to spend one more day sweating my brains out, I think I'm going to die. (Would you die if you brains had been sweated out?). Either way...ICKY!!! I honestly don't understand why the sun has to be so hot! It's so far should take a chill pill... (hehe). I can't even get from my garage door to the car without already being soaked. This is a problem. Therefore, I am starting a petition to make the sun be less hot, or even just to skip the summer months completely. We can just go strait to fall :). If you would like to sign leave your names here......

_______________________    ________________________   __________________________.

I figure it won't take very many people, just lots and lots and lots and lots and LOTS of prayers! Let's get on it!

Last night was absolutely fantastic. April, Wesley, Miranda, Jaci, Brad and I went to Applebee's for karaoke night. I don't know why it is, but I get a lot of enjoyment out of drunk people singing karaoke. The best part is, we are all so crazy anyways that I'm sure people are saying, "I want what they've got!" They will be quite disappointed when all they get put in front of them is a glass of ice cold water! :) I think everyone should go at one point...super fun!

This weekend is going to be sooo much fun! Me and a bunch of friends from Valencia are going to stay in my friend's cabin! We get to get out of the heat warning isn't that great?! We are going to hike and spend time together before everyone leaves and it's going to be a blast! I honestly can't just needs to be 6:00 already!!!!!!

The other exciting thing about this weekend is that tomorrow....A NEW KID HISTORY COMES OUT!! I think we are going to have a little premier party for it. Yeah...we're legit. For those of you who don't know what this is...
These make me so happy!!! :) It's FRIDAY ERRY-BODY!

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