Mar 3, 2011


Today is a very special day! Today is the day that my dear mother turns 21! I love her so much! I thought it would be fitting on this day of birth so (not) long ago to talk a little bit about my amazing mother :).

First of all, I cannot describe what a good example my mom has been to me. Even when I didn't see it at first, she has always been looking out for me and helping me through my trials.  There has never been a day when I couldn't call her and ask her my silly little, 'I'm living on my own and can't figure this out' questions. One recently being, "How do I bleach a load of laundry?!" I thought I knew laundry up and down, backwards and forwards, but there are still a lot of things I have left to learn.

My mom is B-E-A-UTIFUL! And I am  not just saying that because people say I look like her ;).  Even with her frizzy hair, my mom is the most beautiful lady I know, inside and out.  She is who she is and I am pretty sure there is absolutely NOBODY like her. I love that she is crazy and throws herself parties and doesn't care what people think of her!  She loves to jam out to her Usher...and I love it! I love when she texts me things like 'I like you.', and no matter how dorky it seems, and even if I don't think it's her, I know that she loves me and thinks about me and cares for me.

My Mother is an awesome teacher. Though she might not believe it and she might get nervous, I know that she will succeed in anything she tries, it's just who she is!!! :)  I have to say I feel like I am the mother writing about my daughter! I am so glad she is my mom and I would not want anybody else to help me through my tough times; to take me to sonic late at night, to gossip about our favorite show (The show shall remain unnamed because we are total dorks), to talk about roomies, siblings, boys, friends, life, school, callings, pretty much anything you can imagine!!  I know I live away from home now and we don't talk as much as we used to, but I hope that my spot by the computer will always be mine and that I can go there and see my mommy and talk to her whenever the heck I want!!!!

I love you mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you enjoy your birthday present! I know that you said you didn't want anything but I decided that for your birthday, I'm giving you a date night! Your favorite restaurant and a movie with your hubbie! You do so much for our family I just want to thank you again!! :))) <3 <3 <3


  1. Awww, you made me cry!! Thanks Chelsey, this is by far my most favorite gift. I love you more than you know!!!

  2. Beautiful Chelsey. You are a wise girl; mature beyond your years in some ways. And you were right on target with everything you said.
