Mar 2, 2011

Money from the Pocket

Today has been interesting already...and it's only 2! Math was lame, both of them, but of course that is life :) I went to the post office to mail my buddy her phone back and I could NOT figure out how to work the labels! I got it all set and the girl tells me that the price to mail my box was $18.30. WHAT THE?! I cannot believe that! It might have been cheaper to send it in a regular envelope! Oh well.

I am finally able to work again! I decided that's something I need to be a little bit more diligent about. There may be swing dancing tonight, depending on how late I want to stay out before my 8 am class tomorrow. We shall see!!!!!

P.s. My fish REFUSE to swim in their new little toy I bought them! I am quite an unhappy mommy. :( All in all, my money keeps disappearing!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the real world!! Usually you just watch the money fly by, it doesn't seem to stay long.
