Mar 15, 2011

Home alone..ALMOST!

The past couple of days have been so amazing! I was a little nervous about being home alone for the past couple of days...not because I was afraid someone was going to jump out and kill  me, but more because I hate having to entertain myself. It's a big chore and I would rather just have someone else do it for me.  I had Melanie and Mikaela come over yesterday afternoon. We went to Sonic and Big Foot's BBQ. You see, this is our tradition before the Bachelor on Monday nights. We got home just in time to watch the episode. More on that later.  I decided I didn't really want them to leave so I said, "Hey! You guys should spend the night!!". They did. :)  This morning we got up and watched tons of baby shows then headed out. The big hike is tomorrow and it was important to go get everything we needed. Wal Mart and the dollar store...They are the best! We got everything and then went and played tennis for a while. I also swung on the swings. It has been MUCH too long since I have done that, I forgot how fun it was!!!!!! I am now completely packed and just waiting for tomorrow...It's gonna be a long night!!

So the Bachelor. I have mixed feelings. I really really wanted Chantel to win, I just did. I liked her a lot more and  felt like they were better for each other. He, on the other hand, thought Emily was. I was even more upset at his decision when I figured out they were not even together at the time. I hope they can work it out and get married but I don't know. I actually cried when he told Chantel goodbye because she was SO in love with him and so open and he didn't seem to appreciate it much. That is my little say on the matter. SO EXCITED FOR TOMORROW!

1 comment:

  1. I wanted her to win too. :( She was way better for him. I think he just chose Emily since he was trying to prove that he could handle being a daddy. Lame...
